Spinning and Fibre Preparation

When I began my blog back in 2006 I wrote about all kinds of crafts - card making, resin crafts, shrink plastic... I loved all of the crafts but I didn't really specialise in any one particular area.  

Well, over the last few years, I've fallen deeply down the spinning and fibre preparation rabbit hole and this is clearly where my main focus is likely to remain for the foreseeable future.

I used to add links to relevant blog posts at the end of every spinning post, but as the number has grown out of hand, it's just so much easier (and hopefully less annoying for everybody) to point people to a page with a list of all of my spinning and fibre related content.

So, here they all are -

Chain-Plying at the Wheel Versus
Making a Chain-Plied Ball

Spinning into Focus
Techniques 1, 2 and 3

Spinning into Focus - Techniques 4 and 5

Spinning into Focus -
The Two Most popular methods used
by spinners to avoid 'Spinning mud'

Spinning into Focus -
 A Round-up of All 10 Yarns

Knitting into Focus

9 Different Ways of Spinning a
Multicoloured Blend While Trying
to Avoid 'Spinning Mud' 

Intentional Optical Blending
on a Blending Board

Making Variegated Pencil Roving
Using a Blending Board

Spinning 12 Questionable Blends

Questionable Blend #1 Higglety Pigglety

Questionable Blend #2 Over the Rainbow

Questionable Blend #3 Gourami

Questionable Blend #4 Rainbow

Spinning an Autumnal Yarn
Using just 2 Almost Primary Colours

DIY Rotating Distaff and Yarn Holder
Using the Kumikreator

Testing New Yarn Guide Covers for
the Electric Eel Wheel 6

Comparing the brake band springs on the
Electric Eel Wheel 6

Altering a Case for my
Electric Eel Wheel 5

Dyeing and spinning hand-painted
wool top -my first attempt

How to Measure Handspun Yarn
With an App

The Electric Eel Wheel 4 - My honest
review and modification

Making Resin Nano Bobbins - Part Two

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