Thursday, August 29, 2024

Questionable Blend number 8 - Hickory Dickory

I’m writing a blog series this year, sharing several different ways of spinning commercially available, multicoloured blended tops. I’ve tried to choose blends that contain colours from more than half of the colour wheel.  The kinds of blends that are a little tricky to guess immediately how they’ll spin up.

I’ll be using the word questionable to describe any blend that would cast doubt in the mind of even the most experienced spinner. A blend that would cause you to pause before ordering it and question how it might turn out.  

Novice spinners are regularly attracted to the bold, multi-coloured stripes of a vertically blended top, but are frequently left disappointed when their beautiful combed top turns to mud on the wheel.  In this series, I’ll be sharing quite a few techniques that can help reduce the amount of optical blending during spinning, so that some of those original colours still show up in the final yarn.  By the end, the tops will almost certainly not be questionable.

Hickory Dickory

Images of Hickory Dickory reproduced by kind permission of World of Wool

The 8th blended top in this series is Hickory Dickory.

Images reproduced by kind permission of World of Wool

Above are the fibres within Hickory Dickory.  The first 3 colours are merino wool but 15% of it is dark green bamboo fibre which should add a little more sheen to the final yarn.

I chose Hickory Dickory as those pinks and greens will definitely result in some muddy combinations.

It's also one of the more blended tops, so keeping those colours slightly separate will be tricky.

The image of Hickory Dickory on the World of Wool website isn't a bad representation of its true colour, but the hues appear a little less saturated on the website.  The pink is a little more dominant in person and, as its name suggests, much more of a Barbie pink.

I arranged all the yarns from the blends I’ll be spinning in this series, into a kind of muted gradient and I’ll be spinning them in this order.  They have all been spun with no attention paid to colour management, they’ve simply been pre-drafted, spun, and then chain-plied. 

Of all the Questionable Blends I'll be spinning this year, this was one of two that gave me the most reason to deliberate and mull over the best ways to spin it.  I love pink and green together, but this one feels like it will be very tricky to avoid the colours optically blending into sludge. 

To begin, I spun 8g of Hickory Dickory to see how it looks when I allow the colours to freely mix together during spinning.  I just drafted it out and then spun it from the tips.  I then chain-plied it at the wheel to achieve a 3-ply yarn.  

The resulting yarn was a muddy mix of peach and green with very little evidence of Barbie pink.

Knitted with Hickory Dickory that has just been pre-drafted,
spun from the tips and then chain-plied

Interestingly, the knitted sample shows a lot more variegation than most of the other yarns spun this way.  I suspect that pre-drafting it gave me long sections that didn’t contain the shorter bamboo fibres and then sections that contained all 4 colours.  The pink has been almost completely optically blended away.

Most of the yarns in this series will be spun on my Electric Eel Wheel 6 - This is an affiliate link and if you click through and make a purchase I will receive a small percentage of the purchase price at no additional cost to you. Any income from my blog goes a small way towards funding future blog projects.

Spinning Hickory Dickory 4 Different Ways

Spinning from the Fold

Spinning from the fold is the perfect technique for practicing my long-draw technique and I'm gradually getting better at spinning a fine woolen yarn.  I don't think I'll ever be a high-speed long draw spinner, but I do find this long, slow draft very relaxing.

When you spin from the fold you are spinning the colours from the side so you are drafting from a reduced number of colours which allows some of the individual colours to show through.

The singles spun from the fold are characteristically speckled with a lot of the colours of the original blended top.

Chain-plying singles that have been spun from the fold always results in lots of short colour sections but it is the best way of trying to get some of those colours to 'pop'.

The final knitted sample looks quite muddy from a distance but when you take a closer look you can still see a heathered yarn dotted with pink and green.

Split Vertically

Spinning from the fold and splitting the top vertically are the two most popular methods employed by spinners to avoid 'spinning mud' so I'm using these two techniques for every blend in this series.

When you tear off strips from the side of the top you are reducing the number of colours that will optically blend together and you create a much more variegated yarn.

As Hickory Dickory is well blended I had to tear off very thin strips of top if I wanted to spin a yarn with distinct colour changes and avoid it all just optically blending together.

Once I'd rolled all of my lengths of top into little nests, I then rearranged them so that I was spinning from a different set of colours with each following nest.

Pleasingly, the singles are showing quite distinct bands of green and pink.

These distinct colour changes showed up as pretty bands of colour in my mitred squares.  Of the 4 methods I employed this time, this technique is the most designed.  I was able to choose the order and arrangement that I spun them in, and if I'd been spinning for a sweater quantity, I would have been able to spin from much longer lengths so that the bands of colour could carry around the body or sleeve.  It's very simple and effective.

Combed Gradient

As Hickory Dickory contains a small amount of dark green bamboo fibres, I was intrigued to see the effect I would get if I combed a little with my mini wool combs.  I find that bamboo fibres are generally shorter than merino fibres and much more uniform in length, so when I place a merino/bamboo blend on my combs or hackle I'm usually able to draft off a gradient.

This animated gif shows that in the beginning, the longer merino fibres blend together into a subtle peach colour as there are very few dark green bamboo fibres drafted off the tips of the fibre.  As I move towards the tines of my combs, the colour starts to turn muddier and greener as the shorter bamboo fibres come into play.

I blended 4 little nests of fibre and arranged than so that I could alternate the end that I spun each one from.

The singles spun from a combed gradient gave me the most striking colour range, going from a clean, peach, through to a muddy green and sections that are almost grey.

The pink has completely disappeared...

... and I'm left with an interesting repeating gradient yarn.  I can't say that I love this colour combination but it definitely adds some visual interest to my Questionable Blends blanket.  My mini wool combs only hold about 6 grams of fibre but this technique would also work on a hackle to draft off a sweater quantity of gradient pulled top.

Blending Board Pencil Roving

I developed this method when I was writing my Spinning into Focus blog series and it's one of the easiest ways of making variegated pencil roving using a blending board.

When a top is as blended as this one, I break off just one section that is the length of my blending board, open it up, and stretch the single piece of blended top over the whole of my blending board.  This way the colours are far more likely to be next to each other rather than on top of one another and I tend to get cleaner colours.

Without drafting, I roll the whole lot off my blending board in one big, thick rolag.

As it would not be fun to spin from such a thick rolag, I then draft it thinly from the end into a kind of pencil roving.

You can see that this gives me a thin roving with a much more reduced number of colours along its width.

The singles have a lot more variegation but the lengths of colour are not as long as the one split vertically.

The colour sections are just as clean, if not cleaner than the one split vertically.  The transitions between each colour are smoother and more fluid but the lengths of colour are much shorter.  I would use this method if I wanted a more random mix of colour as there is no way of controlling the arrangement and length of colour sections with this method.

Honestly, I really struggled to motivate myself to spin this blended top as I knew that any yarn I spun from it would be pretty sludgy.  I hope I've managed to do it justice and Hickory Dickory is now a little less questionable.

Other Blog Posts in this Series - 


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Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Questionable Blend number 7 - Libra

I’m writing a blog series this year, sharing several different ways of spinning commercially available, multicoloured blended tops. I’ve tried to choose blends that contain colours from more than half of the colour wheel.  The kinds of blends that are a little tricky to guess immediately how they’ll spin up.

I’ll be using the word questionable to describe any blend that would cast doubt in the mind of even the most experienced spinner. A blend that would cause you to pause before ordering it and question how it might turn out.  

Novice spinners are regularly attracted to the bold, multi-coloured stripes of a vertically blended top, but are frequently left disappointed when their beautiful combed top turns to mud on the wheel.  In this series, I’ll be sharing quite a few techniques that can help reduce the amount of optical blending during spinning, so that some of those original colours still show up in the final yarn.  By the end, the tops will almost certainly not be questionable.


Images of Libra reproduced by kind permission of World of Wool

The 7th blended top in this series is Libra.

Images Reproduced by Kind Permission of World of Wool

These are the fibres within Libra.  All of the 'colours' are merino but it's comprised of 30% extra bleached tussah silk which is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in this blended top.  

I originally chose Libra because the first image on the website clearly shows a brownish optical blend and I was intrigued to play and experiment with it to see what I might come up with.

In reality, that first image on the World of Wool website sells this fibre a little short.  Indeed, the fuchsia and jonquil, combined with the Flo Pink and Citrus would lead me to suspect that I would get a lot of muddy combinations within this fibre, but in truth, I saw very little evidence of these tricky optical blends.

The fibre on the left is the colour I got when I completely blended Libra together with my mini wool combs

I also spun 8g of Libra to see how it looks when I allow the colours to mix together during spinning.  I just drafted it out and then spun it from the tips.  I then chain-plied it at the wheel to achieve a 3-ply yarn. 

It's a beautiful, almost pastel autumnal peach colour.  Combine this with a 30% silk content and this is a very pretty fibre.

Of all the Questionable Blends I'll be spinning this year, this one is probably the brightest and cleanest of all the blends and the least 'muddy' of all.  It's very pretty!  

I arranged all the yarns from the blends I’ll be spinning in this series, into a kind of muted gradient and I’ll be spinning them in this order.  They have all been spun with no attention paid to colour management, they’ve simply been pre-drafted, spun, and then chain-plied. 

Knitted with Libra that has been drafted, spun from the tips and then chain-plied

As I love the optically blended Libra yarn, but I'm less of a fan of yellow, green and fluorescent pink, I will prepare and ply this fibre in ways that give me subtle colour variations, but don't allow the individual colours to stand out too much.

I'm aiming for a little bit of colour blending with gentle shifts rather than bold, striping colour changes.  

As a change from other yarns in this series, I spun the Libra yarns while beta-testing a prototype of a future Dreaming Robots e-spinner (affiliate link) - The Electric Eel Wheel Fold. This mid-sized, folding e-spinner will be available sometime next year with a Kickstarter hopefully planned for the end of 2024

Spinning Libra 4 Different Ways

Spun From the Fold (on the Fold) and Pre-Chain Plied

I'm still working on improving my long draw technique, and spinning from the fold is the ideal preparation for that practice.  I've got to the point now that it’s become muscle memory and I can't spin from the fold now without it turning into long-draw; it's very pleasing!

To spin long-draw finely, I still have to go slowly so I thought I'd share this animated gif of my attempt at a fine(ish) long draw.  I even managed to get a bit of double-drafting in there at the end, which is very satisfying.

The singles have a lovely speckled quality to them which makes a change from the usual ‘busy’ look I tend to get when I spin from the fold.

I went on to pre-chain ply the singles so that the marled colour sections were as long as possible.  You can read more about how I pre-chain-ply my singles here.

From a distance, you see all the optical blends at once, but when you take a closer look you see a heathered mix of pinks, oranges and yellows that have been subtly toned down with the addition of a tiny bit of green.

Splitting the Top Vertically

To split the top vertically, I wasn't overly careful as I knew that I wasn't going to get too many muddy combinations.  Any citrus green sections are very thin so it isn't going to overpower the other colours at all, merely shift them a little away from their bright spectrum hues.  I also wanted to make sure that the fluorescent pink was well combined with some of the other colours as I wanted to tone that down too.

I broke the top up into small sections and then rearranged them so that similar color groupings weren't next to each other.

Sadly, I forgot to get a decent photo of my singles, but this screenshot shows that splitting the top vertically gave me some of the most definite colour sections of all the techniques I tried with Libra.

As yellow is not my favourite colour, but I like the effect it has on other colours, I went on to pre-chain-ply the singles so that the yellow would have more of a chance to barber-pole with the other colours within Libra.

The colour changes are subtle but there are definite fluctuations between pink and orange.

Dizzing off a Blending Board

I find this technique results in quite a well-blended yarn, especially when the fibre is already quite blended.  I’m hoping that it will still give me some colour variation that will add interest and complexity to the final yarn.

I broke off 3 sections of Libra top that were the length of my blending board, opened them up, and then brushed them all down.

Using the smallest hole in my diz, I drafted off a thin continuous length, moving from side to side up the blending board.  As it's prepared on a blending board, but drafted until the fibres are almost parallel, this is about as close to a worsted prep that I can get from my blending board.  I find it very relaxing to spin this worsted style.

The colours are mostly optically blended with some subtle pink and yellow sections showing through.

Again, I pre-chain-plied the singles to encourage more marling but this is definitely the most blended of all the Libra yarns.

The colours are just a little more heathered than my original yarn that was drafted and spun from the tips.

Making Pencil Roving from Two lengths of the Blending Board

To make a kind of pencil roving out of Libra, I broke off two lengths the height of my blending board, opened them up, and placed them side by side on the blending board.

As Libra contains a lot of different colours and is quite well blended, stretching two layers across the width of the board should result in some very subtle colour variations.

Without drafting it, I rolled off one big, thick rolag.

It would not be fun to spin directly from this chunky rolag...

… so I drafted it from the end into a big mound of pencil roving.

When I rolled it into a ball I could see some very subtle colour variations…

… which showed up in quite long lengths in the singles.

Again, I pre-chain-plied the singles to tone down the yellow and fluorescent pink and achieve more barber poling.

This one looks very similar to the fibre spun from vertical strips but the colour sections are shorter and the colour transitions are smoother.

This fibre, and many others, make me very thankful to have started my Questionable Blends project as I would never have purchased Libra from the image on the World of Wool website otherwise.  It's such a pretty blend in real life and, like Blaze that I spun previously, very difficult to get wrong.

Other Posts in this Series - 

Questionable Blend #8 Hickory Dickory

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